Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging

1.Natural Leadership

1.Natural Leadership

Leadership Style:

Diplomat Heart

Primary Cognitive Function: Extraverted Feeling (Fe)

Leadership Persona
  • The Harmonizer prioritizes creating harmony and building strong relationships within the team. They foster open communication, collaboration, and a supportive environment, ensuring everyone feels valued and understood.

Unique Character Traits

  • Empathetic and Supportive: Understands and addresses the needs of others.
  • Communicative and Collaborative: Fosters open communication and teamwork.

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2.Complementary Leadership
2.Complementary Leadership

Leadership Style:

Keeper Tradition

Primary Cognitive Function: Introverted Sensing (Si)

Leadership Persona
  • The Custodian Keeper Tradition is dependable and values stability. They apply proven methods to solve problems, ensuring accuracy and consistency. Their leadership is grounded in a respect for tradition and a practical approach to challenges.

Unique Character Traits

  • Reliable and Practical: Consistently dependable and applies proven methods.
  • Detail-Oriented and Conservative: Ensures accuracy and values stability.

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3.Alternative Leaderships

3.Alternative Leaderships

Leadership Style:

Innovator Spark

Primary Cognitive Function: Extraverted Intuition (Ne)

Leadership Persona
  • The Visionary is constantly generating new ideas and solutions, inspiring the team with their vision of future possibilities. They are adaptable and thrive on creative thinking and exploration of new concepts.

Unique Character Traits

  • Innovative and Creative: Generates new ideas and solutions.
  • Inspiring and Adaptable: Implements efficient systems and processes.

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4.Complementary Leadership

4.Development Leadership

Leadership Style:

Captain Logic

Primary Cognitive Function: Extraverted Thinking (Te)

Leadership Persona  
  • The commander leads with clarity and conviction, making quick and firm decisions to drive the team forward efficiently. They thrive in organized environments where structure and clear objectives are paramount.

Unique Character Traits

  • Decisive and Direct: Makes quick, firm decisions and leads with clarity.
  • Organized and Structured: Implements efficient systems and processes.

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